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Job Readiness

Our curriculum is delivered online in a self-paced course and we follow a precise sequence that leads participants from a general level of discussion to a specific behavioral commitment. This general-to-specific movement accomplishes five important goals:


1. Enables individuals to see the process as relevant to themselves

 2. Adapts the process to the participant’s own learning style by including interactive      exercises that require full participation

3. Expands personal comfort zones and expectations

4. Internalizes information and helps participants practice pro-social skills

5. Enhances the opportunity for personal discovery



AspireWorks Employment Agency

A component of our Career Coaching includes Aspire To Grow Job Readiness Program they will be ready for employment.  Each participant will be matched with employers who understand their background and are willing to extend an opportunity to prove statistics wrong.  Participants are paid through AspireWorks until they have established permanent employment....We are dedicated to the process of finding them rewarding permanent employment!

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